The Company – Prym
Committed to the future – out of tradition. For almost 500 years. The basis of the company’s success has been, right from the start, the clear focus on discerning niche markets in the metal processing segment. Founded around 1530, Prym is one of the oldest family-owned industrial companies in Germany and in the world. Prym, with its German roots, counts among the most important market leaders in the world.
The parent company William Prym Holding operates four separate segments, with sites in Europe, Latin-/Northamerica, Asia and Africa.
Today, Prym is an international group that serves a range of different target markets and customer groups. The Prym Group is constantly working on innovative solutions. We are already developing products to meet the needs of tomorrow, ensuring our success through quality, performance, and effective marketing. An uncompromising customer focus is the guiding principle across the group. Since Prym is in frequent dialogue with customers and consumers around the world, it recognizes future needs at a very early stage and accommodates these with pioneering products and solutions. The Prym Group’s core areas of competence are creative products for hobbies and crafts, highly fashionable fastening systems and accessories, and high-precision electromechanical components.

As a company with a tradition of high quality, Prym meets the requirements of international quality standards. State-of-the-art processing technology sets new standards in terms of function and manufacturing precision, while stringent controls ensure consistently high quality when it comes to material, shape, and color. All Prym products stand out for their durability and a highly functional design.

The work we do is based on our ability to identify the needs and expectations of customers in advance, to understand them, and to offer complete satisfaction. The Prym Group develops, manufactures, and distributes products and solutions for a wide variety of customer groups and industries. These include department stores, online shops, and wholesalers and retailers for sewing, craft, and home decor products (Prym Consumer) in addition to the apparel and textile industry (Prym Fashion), the lingerie and underwear industry (Prym Intimates), and various other sectors, ranging from automotive and electronics to domestic appliances and telecommunications (INOVAN).

Around 3,600 employees act as the face of the group, maintaining close links with customers on every continent. A flat hierarchy means that individual staff members can use their skills to full effect and pool their knowledge to guarantee customer satisfaction.
Our company background – almost 500 years of history
Prym is one of Germany’s oldest family owned businesses, with a reputation for high-quality metal products, from sewing needles to electronic components. To shed more light on the beginnings of the company and better understand the pioneering developments which ensured our success and paved the way to the 21st century, the William Prym corporate archive has been researching the company’s history for decades.

Facts and Figures

Mio. € Sales



Years of experience

Corporate Social Responsibility
Values are important to us: that’s why we place respect, trust and partnership at the heart of all our dealings with customers, employees, shareholders and society as a whole.

Environment & Sustainability
Businesses have a range of responsibilities, and although economic success is important, companies must ensure that they treat humans and the environment with the respect they deserve.

Compliance Program
The worldwide Prym Compliance Program was set up to ensure the compliance of all employees of the Prym Group with the anti-corruption rules and rules of fair competition and the applicable laws.